Saturday 6 June 2020

World’s fastest internet speed of 44.2 Terabits per second recorded by Aussie researchers

Researchers in Australia from various universities have managed hit world’s highest internet speed of 44.2Tb/ps. At this speed, it is claimed you can download 1000 high-definition movies in a split second.

The test on the network was done by researchers from Monash, Swinburne and RMIT universities. This speed was achieved using a single optical chip. The study says during peak time, internet speed at this rate can be accessible for over 1.8 million houses in Melbourne. In addition to this, billions of people from across the world.

The research team led was by Dr Bill Corcoran (Monash), Professor Arnan Mitchell from RMIT and David Moss from Swinburne. The team believes their breakthrough in the internet speed can help with advancement of technology. Fast internet bandwidth could be the catalyst for development of effective self-driving car solutions, as well as build robust digital education network.

“We’re currently getting a sneak-peak of how the infrastructure for the internet will hold up in two to three years’ time, due to the unprecedented number of people using the internet for remote work, socialising and streaming, Dr Bill Corcoran, Lecturer – Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering, Monash University said in this release.

Tests of this magnitude is confined to laboratories but that’s the unique part about this achievement. “This test was done using the existing communication infrastructure. The researchers were able to load-test it on the network, the group said.

Behind the scenes

To achieve this feat, the researchers installed “76.6km of ‘dark’ optical fibres between RMIT’s Melbourne City Campus and Monash University’s Clayton Campus. The optical fibres were provided by Australia’s Academic Research Network,” it noted.

They further explained the test methodology. “The group used a new device that replaces 80 lasers with one single piece of equipment known as a micro-comb, which is smaller and lighter than existing telecommunications hardware. It was planted into and load-tested using existing infrastructure, which mirrors that used by the National Broadband Network (NBN).”

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Internet speeds are always subject to real-time parameters. And with excess load on the network over the past few months, this test suggests the good old internet can sustain itself in any condition.