Saturday 6 June 2020

Twitter adds schedule and save draft tweets feature for its web application

Sometimes you can get a great idea for a tweet, but you don’t want to post it right away. While a number of third-party tools already offer tweet scheduling, Twitter itself has just launched this feature for its web application. If you use Twitter from its web version, you will find new options when composing your tweets. You can also save tweets as a draft, and schedule it to be sent at a specific date and time.

Twitter: How to set up a Scheduled tweet

This feature has been in testing for a while and is now extended to all users on Twitter’s web version. To schedule a tweet, users simply have to open the box to write the text and choose the calendar icon from the options. You will see that a new window opens to schedule the tweet per the date and time you want, according to your time zone.

Programming tweets can be useful for a variety of reasons. You may have a host of thoughts that you want to share with your subscribers. But, you may be reluctant to publish it all in a short period of time. In addition, some people in the Twitter community use tools to find out when their tweets receive the most engagements. So, a scheduling function can be useful here too.

If you want to check if you have already scheduled a tweet at that same time or take a look at the content that you have already saved, you just have to press the option “Scheduled Tweets” that you will find in the same window.

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The scheduled tweets, as well as those in the draft, will remain in the same section, although in separate lists. So, if you are preparing your agenda of tweets for the week. Users can go from one list to another between drafts and scheduled tweets without having to change section.

How to Save drafts

To save a tweet from the web version, follow the same dynamics as the Twitter app. You just have to press the X icon as if you were going to delete it. And Twitter will ask you if you want to save it or discard it. Just select Save, and the post will already be in the “Unsent Tweets” section within the “Drafts” list.

The ability to schedule tweets has been available in TweetDeck for some time, and the ability to save tweets as drafts is available on the Twitter mobile app. These two features can now be used on the Twitter website as well as on the Twitter PWA.