Saturday 6 June 2020

OnePlus 8 Pro’s latest update temporarily disable the Photochrome mode

After all the controversy caused by the color filter camera of the OnePlus 8 Pro, since the feature made it possible to see through some plastic and clothes, the Chinese manufacturer ended up making a decision and has begun to suspend the feature temporarily.

OnePlus initially claimed that it would disable this functionality on HydrogenOS (the Chinese version of its ROM) pending a definitive solution. And insisted that it would not disable it on the international OxygenOS version. However, the company is now rolling out a new software update of the OnePlus 8 Pro devices globally. The new update solely disables the Photochrome filter from the smartphone.

OnePlus disables the 8 Pro’s Photochrome mode

Through the latest update of the OxygenOS 10.5.9 released, the firmware has now properly disabled the x-ray camera feature on the device. In the changelog of the update, OnePlus reiterates that the special camera mode will be restored in the future after the “necessary corrections” are applied.

The company says that it will roll back the feature to the OnePlus 8 Pro in June. Unfortunately, we do not know if the company is treating this more like a hardware problem than a software barrier. The adjustment that the company refers to offer is the same color effect that could be achieved with the filter. But, minimizing the effects of being able to see through plastics or thin fabrics.

OnePlus 8 Pro OxygenOS 10.5.8 update brings several improvements and security patch

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OnePlus 8 Pro OxygenOS 10.5.8 update brings several improvements and security patch

OnePlus has already begun distributing the update, and over the next few days, it will be available to all users. However, those users who do not want to lose such a feature of their device can simply ignore this update. OnePlus speaks of this camera as a photochromic filter. Its purpose, as the manufacturer explains on its website, is “to convert common scenes into surreal landscapes”. It allows us to capture images differently from what the human eye perceives, especially in certain scenes.